
John Deere Marine Propulsion Engine
PowerTech9.0L Marine Propulsion Engine
Racor Fuel Filter Water Separator
Racor Turbine SeriesFuel Filter Water Separator
Arneson ASD12 Bronze
Arneson Surface DriveASD16 Aluminum
ABT • TRAC AC Thrusters
TRAC Thrusters10"-28" AC Thrusters
John Deere Marine Propulsion Engine
PowerTech6.8L Marine Propulsion Engine
Kohler Diesel Generator
125kW Diesel Generator
Arneson ASD16 Aluminum
Arneson Surface DriveASD12 Bronze
AFG Marine è dealer autorizzata dei seguenti marchi: gruppi elettrogeni Kohler, motori marini John Deere, trasmissioni di superficie Arneson Twin Disc, idrogetti Hamilton, filtri separatori acqua gasolio Racor, eliche di manovra American Bow Thruster e verricelli Maxwell.
AFG Marine is the authorized dealer for the following brands: Kohler generators, John Deere marine engines, Arneson Twin Disc surface transmissions, Hamilton water-jet propellers, Racor water fuel separating filters, American Bow Thruster propellers and Maxwell winches.